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Agricultural Offices
The following offices are housed at the ODAC:
For more information about each office,
click the company logo to view their websites.
Virginia Farm Bureau® is the largest non-profit agricultural advocacy organization in Virginia. With the support of our members, we help protect farming, agriculture, and the Virginia way of life.
VDACS promotes the economic growth and development of Virginia agriculture, provides consumer protection and encourages environmental stewardship.
We provide leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues based on public policy, the best available science, and effective management.
The Pittsylvania County office of Virginia Cooperative Extension is your local connection to Virginia‘s land-grant universities, Virginia Tech and Virginia State University. Through educational programs based on research and developed with input from local stakeholders, we help the people of Pittsylvania County improve their lives. We provide education through programs in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Family and Consumer Sciences, 4-H Youth Development, and Community Viability.
To develop, to promote the proper use of, and to protect the natural resources of the District through programs of information, education and technical assistance in cooperation with other agencies.
Ext. 3079
Farm Credit of the Virginias, ACA is part of a nationwide network of cooperative lending institutions that provides financing for:
Farm and country home loans
Land purchase, home construction and improvements
Buildings, machinery, livestock and equipment
Operating expenses and lines of credit
And much more!
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